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Check FAQs or write us.
You might find your answer right here!
- General
- Windows
- Gadget
- Mobile
- 1. Why is Better Clipboard better than having a document opened on the side?
Short answer: It is faster, organized, permanent, searchable and shareable across your computers.
Long answer: You do not need to copy & paste all the time, you mostly paste. It allows to switch contents there and back quickly. Another big advantage is that it stores the entries for weeks and months. It collects the entries automatically. Often you are not aware now you will need some content in the future but Better Clipboard saves it for you. Often it saves content you otherwise lose because the original program crashes. It allows to share your clipboards across your computers and mobile devices. There are many other features. Watch our intro video to learn more.
Try it out yourself - you will get the idea very quickly!
- 2. What is the most efficient communication with our support?
If you write an email to my(at)betterclipboard.com it will be transferred to a ticket in our support desk system. Preferably please keep one topic for one ticket. If you, for example, had two improvement ideas, then better write two separated emails. Ideally each of them with a short descriptive subject. If we communicated in the past about subject A and you discovered a new topic B then please create a new email with subject B instead of replying to the last email of our previous A communication. That will give us a better chance to react on your wishes and you can track how we delivered on your individual suggestions. Also please add a screenshot of the given situation / problem / diagnostics / etc. Thank you for understanding.
- 3. How to learn Better Clipboard quickly?
- The apps are intuitive. Install them - the rest will follow up quickly.
- Watch our one minute intro video.
- Spend a minutes or two on our homepage. Afterwards browse the individual features - 4. How do I get unlimited version of Better Clipboard for free?
First of all some of our products are (and always will be) completely free - for example the Windows Gadget.
Also all the basic versions are always free. They are all fully functional both on desktop as on mobile platforms - including the sync capability. They are however limited in capacity of stored items.
Quite often we offer the unlimited versions for free as well. Surely to the early adopters / beta testers, idea generators, etc...
Write a fair article about our products, contribute to make it better, come up with and interesting idea... and contact us here :) - 5. How to access Better Clipboard data on another device?
Just enable the Cloud Sync feature on both devices. Your data is always encrypted. Read more here.
- 6. When does Better Clipboard access the Internet?
First of all please read our Privacy Policy. If you switched on Cloud Sync feature we recommend to read its dedicated page.
Better Clipboard connects to Internet for these purposes:
- 1) Analytics. We measure the usage of individual features, we look how many users use which version and some other very standard analytics tasks.
- 2) Bug reporting. Every time the app crashes it sends us an info why that happen. Usually we try to fix within hours. Sometimes we do not leave the app crash completely in the uncritical case of some subsystem failure (not to interrupt your work and disturb you) but still the app sends bug report called "Warning". These we try to fix within few days.
- 3) Licensing info. In case you activate new license the app reaches Better Clipboard Licensing Server.
- 4) New version available check. Happens once shortly after the app start.
- 5) News check. Similar to version check above where we would get chance to inform you about any important news. This feature is used very rarely.
- 6) In case you enabled Cloud Sync feature then obviously the app communicates with your cloud provider. Of course the data communicated is encrypted as explained here.
- 7) On very few occasions the app "pings" google.com address - just to verify your Internet connection is really working.
You are always welcome to use any verification tools like the ones recommended here. In the very improbable case you discover a connection we forgot to list please contact us here.
- 7. Why and how to get Better Clipboard via Microsoft Store?
Please read this dedicated page.
- 8. Database creation failed
We are so far aware of one and only cause of this error and that is an insufficient disk space. Please check your system drive. If low on space clean up and start Better Clipboard again.
If the problem persists, please contact us. - 9. Database connection failed
This situation should theoretically never happen. The most plausible explanation is that there is some Windows process that keeps lock on Better Clipboard database file. It might be an another instance of Better Clipboard or any other Windows program.
Please try to kill Better Clipboard process via Windows Task Manager and restart the application manually.
Another reason might be an insufficient disk space. Please check your system drive. If low on space clean up and start Better Clipboard again.
If the problem persists, please contact us.
- 1. What is the most efficient communication with our support?
If you write an email to my(at)betterclipboard.com it will be transferred to a ticket in our support desk system. Preferably please keep one topic for one ticket. If you, for example, had two improvement ideas, then better write two separated emails. Ideally each of them with a short descriptive subject. If we communicated in the past about subject A and you discovered a new topic B then please create a new email with subject B instead of replying to the last email of our previous A communication. That will give us a better chance to react on your wishes and you can track how we delivered on your individual suggestions. Also please add a screenshot of the given situation / problem / diagnostics / etc. Thank you for understanding.
- 2. How to learn Better Clipboard quickly?
- The apps are intuitive. Install them - the rest will follow up quickly.
- Watch our one minute intro video.
- Spend a minutes or two on our homepage. Afterwards browse the individual features - 3. How do I get unlimited version of Better Clipboard for free?
First of all some of our products are (and always will be) completely free - for example the Windows Gadget.
Also all the basic versions are always free. They are all fully functional both on desktop as on mobile platforms - including the sync capability. They are however limited in capacity of stored items.
Quite often we offer the unlimited versions for free as well. Surely to the early adopters / beta testers, idea generators, etc...
Write a fair article about our products, contribute to make it better, come up with and interesting idea... and contact us here :) - 4. Learn the powerful Windows Shortcuts
Learn at least one or two most powerful ones. You will become Better Clipboard king and save even more of your time! Click here
- 5. I do not have PayPal account. Can I still purchase Better Clipboard for Windows?
UPDATE: As of 2022 the all Better Clipboard applications that made it through their beta phase are available on corresponding OS markets. Microsoft Store, Play Store, etc...
For the above reason are PayPal purchases considered 'less modern' but they are still available. And even if you do not have PayPal account you can do the PayPal purchase.
PayPal offers "Pay with Debit or Credit Card" feature where active PayPal account is not required. Their support it however limited to their international versions. For that reason you might need to go through the following steps:
- Open PayPal by clicking this link. It must be United States version because your local one might not support this feature. Do not try to navigate to PayPal yourself but use the link provided. It will be opened in a new separated browser tab. Please leave that tab opened.
- Navigate to Select your plan table and click on the corresponding PayPal button.
- That will open PayPal page that offers the promised feature.
- Click "Pay with Debit or Credit Card" button.
- Select your country and enter the required details.
- Continue in the steps described further below on this page.This process has been used successfully by many users. If you still should bump into problems please contact us here.
- 6. How to access Better Clipboard data on another device?
Just enable the Cloud Sync feature on both devices. Your data is always encrypted. Read more here.
- 7. How to backup your Better Clipboard data (History, Favorites, etc)?
By far the best way to get your data back up is to use the Cloud Backup & Sync feature. Your data is encrypted. Read more here.
You can decide for a manual process but that is not as easy as the above:
1) Copy one of the following strings to your clipboard depending the channel you installed Better Clipboard through
- Microsoft Store: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Packages\21534betterclipboard.com.BetterClipboard_3f4f9w5a9q3p6\LocalCache\Local\BetterClipboard
- Classic Windows Installer: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\BetterClipboard
2) Now paste that string to your Windows Explorer - it will automatically translate %USERNAME% variable to your real user name and open the folder where Better Clipboard stores all its data.
3) Create a copy of this folder to the backup folder / device of your choice.Contact us here if any problems should appear.
- 8. When does Better Clipboard access the Internet?
First of all please read our Privacy Policy. If you switched on Cloud Sync feature we recommend to read its dedicated page.
Better Clipboard connects to Internet for these purposes:
- 1) Analytics. We measure the usage of individual features, we look how many users use which version and some other very standard analytics tasks.
- 2) Bug reporting. Every time the app crashes it sends us an info why that happen. Usually we try to fix within hours. Sometimes we do not leave the app crash completely in the uncritical case of some subsystem failure (not to interrupt your work and disturb you) but still the app sends bug report called "Warning". These we try to fix within few days.
- 3) Licensing info. In case you activate new license the app reaches Better Clipboard Licensing Server.
- 4) New version available check. Happens once shortly after the app start.
- 5) News check. Similar to version check above where we would get chance to inform you about any important news. This feature is used very rarely.
- 6) In case you enabled Cloud Sync feature then obviously the app communicates with your cloud provider. Of course the data communicated is encrypted as explained here.
- 7) On very few occasions the app "pings" google.com address - just to verify your Internet connection is really working.
You are always welcome to use any verification tools like the ones recommended here. In the very improbable case you discover a connection we forgot to list please contact us here.
- 9. Render thread failure
This is probably frustrating but you encountered a problem that is extremely rare and we cannot fix it in our application. The root cause is not well described.
The only fix attempt you can perform is to update your video drivers. If you try, regardless whether the problem got fixed or not, please share your experience with us. It would help us to collect more relevant info and possibly solve the problem in the long run. Thank you! - 10. Why and how to get Better Clipboard via Microsoft Store?
Please read this dedicated page.
- 11. Database creation failed
We are so far aware of one and only cause of this error and that is an insufficient disk space. Please check your system drive. If low on space clean up and start Better Clipboard again.
If the problem persists, please contact us. - 12. Database connection failed
This situation should theoretically never happen. The most plausible explanation is that there is some Windows process that keeps lock on Better Clipboard database file. It might be an another instance of Better Clipboard or any other Windows program.
Please try to kill Better Clipboard process via Windows Task Manager and restart the application manually.
Another reason might be an insufficient disk space. Please check your system drive. If low on space clean up and start Better Clipboard again.
If the problem persists, please contact us. - 13. WMI probably broken on your computer
2022 UPDATE: This problem CANNOT happen if you install Better Clipboard via Microsoft Store. Please click the button here.
This is surely frustrating but you encountered a problem that is extremely rare and we cannot fix it in our application. The problem is related to Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) on your computer. Better Clipboard cannot perform its service without this Windows subsystem being in the perfect condition. Please contact us to receive more detailed explanation and tips how to fix WMI.
- 1. What is the most efficient communication with our support?
If you write an email to my(at)betterclipboard.com it will be transferred to a ticket in our support desk system. Preferably please keep one topic for one ticket. If you, for example, had two improvement ideas, then better write two separated emails. Ideally each of them with a short descriptive subject. If we communicated in the past about subject A and you discovered a new topic B then please create a new email with subject B instead of replying to the last email of our previous A communication. That will give us a better chance to react on your wishes and you can track how we delivered on your individual suggestions. Also please add a screenshot of the given situation / problem / diagnostics / etc. Thank you for understanding.
- 2. How do I get unlimited version of Better Clipboard for free?
First of all some of our products are (and always will be) completely free - for example the Windows Gadget.
Also all the basic versions are always free. They are all fully functional both on desktop as on mobile platforms - including the sync capability. They are however limited in capacity of stored items.
Quite often we offer the unlimited versions for free as well. Surely to the early adopters / beta testers, idea generators, etc...
Write a fair article about our products, contribute to make it better, come up with and interesting idea... and contact us here :) - 3. How to make Clipboard Manager gadget "Always on top"?
Right-click on the world 'filter' (bottom left) to get the default gadget context menu and select "Always on top".
We apologize for the fact that this feature got bit hidden but it was a necessary compromise because the gadget platform does not support custom context menu out-of-the box. - 4. How to fix Clipboard Manager Gadget: "Initialization Failed (ClipboardManagerAX not registered correctly)"
Archived. Please read here.
- 1. What is the most efficient communication with our support?
If you write an email to my(at)betterclipboard.com it will be transferred to a ticket in our support desk system. Preferably please keep one topic for one ticket. If you, for example, had two improvement ideas, then better write two separated emails. Ideally each of them with a short descriptive subject. If we communicated in the past about subject A and you discovered a new topic B then please create a new email with subject B instead of replying to the last email of our previous A communication. That will give us a better chance to react on your wishes and you can track how we delivered on your individual suggestions. Also please add a screenshot of the given situation / problem / diagnostics / etc. Thank you for understanding.
- 2. How to learn Better Clipboard quickly?
- The apps are intuitive. Install them - the rest will follow up quickly.
- Watch our one minute intro video.
- Spend a minutes or two on our homepage. Afterwards browse the individual features - 3. How do I get unlimited version of Better Clipboard for free?
First of all some of our products are (and always will be) completely free - for example the Windows Gadget.
Also all the basic versions are always free. They are all fully functional both on desktop as on mobile platforms - including the sync capability. They are however limited in capacity of stored items.
Quite often we offer the unlimited versions for free as well. Surely to the early adopters / beta testers, idea generators, etc...
Write a fair article about our products, contribute to make it better, come up with and interesting idea... and contact us here :) - 4. How to access Better Clipboard data on another device?
Just enable the Cloud Sync feature on both devices. Your data is always encrypted. Read more here.
- 5. What about the mobile apps? When will these be available?
We expect Android to be released in 2021 and hope for iOS follows in 2022.
If you wish to receive beta version please make sure you opt-in for our newsletter. Remember to tick the "Early Adopters" checkbox. - 6. When does Better Clipboard access the Internet?
First of all please read our Privacy Policy. If you switched on Cloud Sync feature we recommend to read its dedicated page.
Better Clipboard connects to Internet for these purposes:
- 1) Analytics. We measure the usage of individual features, we look how many users use which version and some other very standard analytics tasks.
- 2) Bug reporting. Every time the app crashes it sends us an info why that happen. Usually we try to fix within hours. Sometimes we do not leave the app crash completely in the uncritical case of some subsystem failure (not to interrupt your work and disturb you) but still the app sends bug report called "Warning". These we try to fix within few days.
- 3) Licensing info. In case you activate new license the app reaches Better Clipboard Licensing Server.
- 4) New version available check. Happens once shortly after the app start.
- 5) News check. Similar to version check above where we would get chance to inform you about any important news. This feature is used very rarely.
- 6) In case you enabled Cloud Sync feature then obviously the app communicates with your cloud provider. Of course the data communicated is encrypted as explained here.
- 7) On very few occasions the app "pings" google.com address - just to verify your Internet connection is really working.
You are always welcome to use any verification tools like the ones recommended here. In the very improbable case you discover a connection we forgot to list please contact us here.
- 7. Database creation failed
We are so far aware of one and only cause of this error and that is an insufficient disk space. Please check your system drive. If low on space clean up and start Better Clipboard again.
If the problem persists, please contact us. - 8. Database connection failed
This situation should theoretically never happen. The most plausible explanation is that there is some Windows process that keeps lock on Better Clipboard database file. It might be an another instance of Better Clipboard or any other Windows program.
Please try to kill Better Clipboard process via Windows Task Manager and restart the application manually.
Another reason might be an insufficient disk space. Please check your system drive. If low on space clean up and start Better Clipboard again.
If the problem persists, please contact us.